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Duplicate a custom form
John Colebrook avatar
Written by John Colebrook
Updated over a week ago

This guide outlines an easy way to duplicate custom forms, making it simpler to create and modify forms without starting from scratch. It explains how to categorize and edit the new form, ensuring efficient form management for specific purposes like public safety. Following these steps helps streamline workflow and enhance form organization.


1. Select the form that you wish to duplicate

2. Click the duplicate button at the top of the menu

3. Now you're in the creation of the copied form. You can edit it in the same way as creating a new form or a template. First, let's add it to a category.

4. We will put it under public safety

5. Then we can change the title

6. Once you have edited the form, you can click create form

7. The new form is now on the list


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