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Add a Multi-Level Zone
John Colebrook avatar
Written by John Colebrook
Updated over a week ago

2. Click "ADD ZONE"

Click "Map"

Make a Polygon around the multi-story Carpark


3. Click the "Zone Name" field.

Type "Example Multi Level"

Click the "Zone Description" field.

Type "More info on this zone"

Click "Multi-level"

Click the "Sub Zone Name" field.

Type "Level 1"

Click here.


4. Select a category for level 1


5. Click the "Capacity" field.

Type the amount of bays in Level 1.

Click "+"

Click the "Sub Zone Name" field.

Type "Level 2" or another name for Level 2


6\. Select a category for level 2

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7. Click the "Capacity" field.

Type The capacity of the level (the bays in the car park)

Click "+"

Click the "Sub Zone Name" field.

Type "Level 3 or your name for the 3rd level"


8. Choose a parking category

ascreenshot (2).png

9. Click the "Capacity" field.

Type "the capacity of level 3"

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10. Click "SUBMIT"

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11. You can now select the zone to edit in the future.

ascreenshot (4).png

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