Create custom parking zones on the Aero Ranger Dashboard. It explains how to outline car parks, add zone names and descriptions, select zone categories, and input capacity. It also shows creating a new zone category with specific active hours and colour options. This guide will allow users to customise and manage parking zones easily on the Aero Ranger Dashboard.
1. Navigate to
2. Click "Zones"
3. Click custom maps to display high-resolution imagery
4. Now we are ready to start adding zones
5. Click Add Zone at the top of the map
6. Use the polygon tool to outline the car park that you wish to monitor out in the field
7. Click to generate points around the car park
8. You can use as many points as you wish
9. A single click for each point
10. Make sure the polygon completely surrounds the area
11. Double-click to finish up the car park
12. Add a zone name
13. Add a zone description, which will be displayed on the final violation report
14. Select a zone category from the drop-down menu
15. In this example, we will select a two-hour parking category
16. Add the amount of bays in the capacity of that zone
17. We added 80 in this example
18. Let's add a new carpark here
19. Again click add zone
20. Create the points around the car park
21. Double-click to finish up
22. Add a zone name
23. Select a category from the drop-down
24. Let's go with one hour parking
25. Add a capacity. The bays are available in the car park.
26. Click "SUBMIT"
27. Let's add one more but also create a zone category
28. Create the points
29. Double-click to finish up
30. Add a name
31. Click the + sign
32. Add category name
33. Select Parking or no stopping
34. Choose a colour for the category
35. We will go with pink
36. Choose the active hours that you wish this category to work with
37. Use the slider to slip the length of the Parking time
38. Click create to finish up
39. You will now find the new category in the drop-down for the zone
40. Here it is
41. Again, add a capacity
42. Click submit