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Upload a CSV Alert List (Hotlist)
John Colebrook avatar
Written by John Colebrook
Updated over a week ago

To create multiple Plate Alerts at once with a CSV file uploaded via FTPS, please make sure to prepare your CSV file based on the template file (download button below) and connect via your preferred FTP client with the following details before uploading your CSV file.

You can just populate your CSV file with alerts by adding relevant data in rows under each of the headers. Required fields must be included. Optional fields can be left blank or removed completely.


Required field.



Optional field.



Optional field.



Optional field.



Optional field.



Optional field.

This vehicle's parking has expired.

When the vehicle is detected, this message will be displayed in alert notification emails and read aloud on the Edge Companion app.


Required field.

Parking Expired

Choose a category name which corresponds to an Alert Category that already exists, otherwise a new Alert Category will be created with the entered name.


Optional field.


Enter 'YES' to receive in-vehicle notifications from an EdgeAI device via the Edge Companion app, or 'NO' to ignore alerts for this vehicle in the app.


Optional field.

Leave this field blank if you don't want to receive email notifications for this alert, otherwise enter multiple email addresses separated by semicolons ';' to designate email notification recipients.


Optional field.


Optional date representing the date & time which the alert will become valid and active within the Aero Ranger system. If no date is supplied, alert will be set as active immediately after creation. Must be in ISO 8601 Date format, with UTC+0 timezone.


Optional field


Optional date representing the date & time which the alert will expire and no longer be active within the Aero Ranger system. If no date is supplied, the system defaults to an expiry time of 30 days from alert creation. Must be in ISO 8601 Date format, with UTC+0 timezone.

Before you upload a CSV file check that:

  • Each alert includes a value for the 'PLATE' heading

  • Each alert includes a value for the 'ALERT_CATEGORY' heading

  • No special characters are included under any heading except for 'ALERT_MESSAGE'

  • 'YEAR' value is not less than 1900 (leave blank for unknown)

  • No empty lines are included in the file

'PLATE' and 'ALERT_CATEGORY' are the only compulsory fields. Fields under other headings are optional and can be left blank. Please ensure your FTP client supports FTPS - we suggest using FileZilla.

  • Protocol: FTP with TLS/SSL

  • Encryption: Explicit FTP over TLS

  • Username: [Your Aero Ranger account email]

  • Password [Your Aero Ranger account password]

Once connected, you will see a subfolder labeled 'bulk_alert_csvs'. Please ensure all CSV files are uploaded into this subfolder or they will not be processed. Depending on the total number of alerts in your CSV file, this may take several minutes to be reflected in your Aero Ranger Dashboard.

To delete all of the alerts created via a CSV upload (or a bulk alert creation from the Plate Search page), use the 'CSV Delete' button on the Plate Alerts page.

Alternatively, you can simply upload an empty CSV file with the same filename as the CSV file previously uploaded, following the same instructions above.

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