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Vehicle Actions
John Colebrook avatar
Written by John Colebrook
Updated over a week ago

Vehicle Actions in the Cloud Management Dashboard

This document provides a step-by-step guide on managing vehicle actions in the cloud management dashboard.

Accessing Vehicle Violations

  1. Navigate to the Plate Search page.

  2. Click on More Filters.

  3. Select Violations. This will display all the violations within your specified search period.

Viewing and Managing Detected Vehicles

Once Aero Ranger has detected a vehicle, it will be listed as 'open' on the Aero Ranger dashboard.

  1. On the Aero Ranger dashboard, view the open vehicles.

  2. You can choose to 'action' or 'close' these vehicles.

    • Closing a Vehicle: To close a vehicle, select the car and click on 'Close'. The status of the vehicle will change to 'closed' or 'archived'.

    • Actioning a Vehicle: To action a vehicle, select the car and click on 'Action'. This will also send the details to any connected third-party compliance tools via API. If no third-party tool is connected, you can manually tag the vehicles for future filtering.

Filtering Vehicles

In the More Filters section, choose the category you wish to filter by. For example, filtering by 'open' will display all open vehicles ready for action.

Actioning Vehicles from the Details Panel

You can action or close vehicles directly from the details panel. You can also manage vehicles within the report, allowing you to view more information before deciding on an action.

Revisiting Actions

If you change your decision, you can reopen and re-close any vehicle anytime.

Viewing Closed Vehicles

To view all closed vehicles, filter by 'closed' or 'archived' in the More Filters section.

Note: Utilizing action items provides a simple way to categorise vehicles, helping maintain an organised view in the Aero Ranger dashboard.

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